The Human

Passionate about engineering amazing experiences. Deep focus on game development and web technologies. Experience with building client and server solutions in Unity, Unreal, and GMS2 using C#, C++, and JavaScript. Front and back end application experience using Node.js web services, build and deployment pipelines using Jenkins, AWS, and Docker, along with CircleCI and Selenium automation frameworks.

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Technical Skill Set

Coding Languages
  • C++ (primary)
  • C#
  • JavaScript
Game engines
  • Unreal Engine (primary)
  • Unity
  • GameMaker Studio 2
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Professional Skill Set

Development methodologies
  • Agile (Scrum/Kanban)
  • Waterfall
  • Rapid
  • Test-Driven Development
Technical skills
  • Extensive technical documentation
  • Cross team communication and planning coordination
  • Bug tracking and ticketing
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Examples of Work

My work includes creating many prototypes, features, and development tools for games as well as virtual experiences. These span multiple genres and were built for a mix of individual clients, game jams, and personal professional projects.

Environmental Design

Detailed indoor and outdoor spaces created using a number of techniques and designed for intergration into open world games.

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3rd Person Parkour Runner

Custom 3rd Person camera controller combined with a character controller that uses blending animation states to create smooth flowing movements.

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3D Scrolling Shooter

A re-envisioning of the classic arcade genre. Created with a unique layered dolly driven background camera. Fully built out vertical slice demo created for potential publisher support.

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